欢迎光临Jiangsu Haohong Hydraulic Technology Company(江苏浩泓液压科技有限公司)官网!
品质 高效 专业拼搏 创新

In applications where it is necessary to limit the speed of an actuator, needle valves represent a component of primary importance into the hydraulic system. In the VURF needle valves the flow from port 2 to port 1 is adjustable by rotating the outer mantle. The valve is not compensated and therefore the actuator speed is directly influenced by variables such as working pressure, oil viscosity or operating temperature. By means of a stop ring it is also possible to lock the valve at the desired setting value. In the opposite direction, from port 1 to port 2, a by-pass valve allows free passage of the whole flow rate. VURF flow regulating valves are available in sizes BSPP 1/8 to BSPP 1-1/4 for flow rates up to 200 lpm (52,8 USgpm) and pressures up to 350 bar (5075 PSI). The external body is made of high-strength steel and protected externally from oxidation with a galvanizing treatment. Zinc/Nickel surface treatment is available on request for better resistance to oxidation in cases of exposure to aggressive corrosive agents such as particular atmospheric and environmental conditions.




